
Tal Mashiach returns to his original musical home—the guitar. Fragments from his personal and intimate yet worldly, transcontinental and timeless journey come together in this project - “Tiyul” (which in Hebrew can mean both a short hike as well as a long journey to remote places).


TM Street Band

Brooklyn based ‘TM Street Band' formed in 2016, is the brainchild of NYC based Israeli Grammy nominee, multi-instrumentalist and composer Tal Mashiach. Sporting a unique instrumental frontline of trombone, harmonica, and alto sax, 'TM Street Band' seamlessly weaves a wide array of disparate styles together from gypsy to latin, from old Israeli folklore to funk, jazz and blues


GTO Trio

GTO trio - Gadi Lehavi, Tal Mashiach and Ofri Nehemya have marked themselves as rising stars, working individually with some of the leading names in the world jazz scene as – Chick Corea, Bobby McFerrin, Avishai Cohen (bass), Mulatu Astake and others. the trio plays melodic driven and groove oriented contemporary Jazz . they have toured in Japan, Europe and headlined the international Jerusalem jazz festival.